Despite the weather forecast looking slightly grim earlier in the week, Sunday morning dawned bright, beautiful, and a perfect day for Massachusetts Surfrider Chapter's July Beach Cleanup!
The crew from MA Surfrider's July Beach Cleanup at M Street Beach in South Boston.
We had a great crew of 10 show up at the M Street Beach in South Boston, ready to pick up litter and spread the word about Boston's proposed plastic bag ban. It's always a great feeling to not only do a little bit to directly help the oceans, but also to chat with people who see us doing a cleanup and are interested to learn about our mission. We were especially excited to run into two curious visitors who had come all the way from South Africa!
Still having time and energy after a thorough sweep of M Street, we carried our gear over to the east end of Carson Beach and carried on with the cleanup there. All in all, we cleaned up roughly 0.4 miles of urban beach, prevented about 44 lbs of trash and plastic debris from ending up in the harbor, and diverted roughly 10 pounds of recyclable materials back into circulation.
Finally, with the day's cleanup done, a few of our more cold-resistant members decided to take a refreshing swim in the 65-degree waters of the Harbor. A fun and fitting end to this month's cleanup!
Please keep an eye out for more Surfrider Events coming up soon! Until then, keep spreading the word and help keep our oceans clean!
Surfriders getting a refreshing swim in after the July Beach Cleanup at M Street Beach.