
Boston Bag Ban Approved!

Written by Mass Chapter Executive Committee | Dec 17, 2017 9:28:05 PM

The ban on single-use plastic checkout bags in Boston is now official!

Mayor Marty Walsh has signed An Ordinance Regarding the Reduction of Plastic Bags in Boston, which had been unanimously approved by the Boston City Council on 29 November 2017.

A shout out to all of the partners and allies of the Surfrider Massachusetts Chapter who helped in ways big and small to help this happen! Please consider taking a moment to thank the City Council and Mayor for taking this big step to reduce plastic pollution in our State. You can also ask them to voice their support for campaigns like the effort to extend similar restrictions statewide.

The newly enacted ordinance prohibits the distribution of single-use plastic checkout bags (of less than 3 mils thickness), while instituting a 5-cent fee on reusable bags. These provisions will take effect within 1 year.

Want to help take this effort to the next level? A similar bill that would apply to the entire state is currently before the State legislature. Find out how you can help!

Or, please get in touch to find out how you too can advance similar initiatives and reduce plastic pollution where you live.